
Heyyy, I am Shinyeng WuFeng, creator of this website. In this website, you will see the outcomes of my journey in freshman composition class. In total, I wrote 2 essays and a composition in two genres project. I will be sharing them in this website, and you will find a better understanding of my research.

First, I am going to talk about my source-based essay. It was an essay that required me to use 4 sources and analyze them in depth. I learned how to use rhetoric to analyze my sources better. It gave me a deep understanding throughout my sources and allowed me to describe their topic better. The terms that I included in my essay are rhetorical situation, author and audience, tone and purpose, genre and medium, and stance and language. These methods of rhetorical analysis helped me catch the information that the author wants to express. It is a way of communication between the audience and the author.

Second, I am going to talk about my inquiry-based research essay. Similar to the source-based essay, utilizing the rhetorical analysis methods to analyze, it is also heavily based on observation. Sometimes, the author might not tell you the message directly, this essay allowed me to read their information better. For example, the peer reviewed journal provided a lot of graphs and information to me. The peer reviewed journal did not post a direct analysis to their graph, rather they only wrote how they observe the data. Utilizing the graph, I was able to make educational guesses with the cause of the problem and provided an in-depth understanding to my research. This essay required a lot of understanding and observational skills to understand the topic fully. My topic was “Is college really worth it”, and I learned that everything is based on individual’s situation. I have learned research methods based on writing this essay.

Last, I am going to talk about my composition in two genres. Two genres that I made were a short video comic, and a long podcast. When I was making these two compositions, I wanted to let my audiences know that “it is okay not to go to a good college”. In the podcast, I provided some examples of people who went to college but still have the same outcome as those who did not go to a very good college. I wanted to deliver convincing evidence to my audiences that it is okay go to a small, not prestigious college. The comic was created to deliver a message of figuring out what do you want to do in the future. For example, if you want to become a chef in the future, you do not need to have a good academic skill throughout your school years.

When creating my composition, I was able to use casual talk with my friends and I learned a lot of things from them. Which is consider a good thing for me. Since all of my classes are remote, I was able to socialize a little bit with my friends.