Should we go to a good college? (podcast)

Should we go to a good college? (play in 2.0x speed)


Comic explaining why we have to learn math

Audience: Students who are concerned or stressed about college.

Problem: Many people promote going to prestigious colleges and it becomes a stressor for students. What are some differences between going to prestigious colleges?

Purpose: Inform students, why it is okay not to go to prestigious colleges and why we have to go to colleges and why do people choose to go to college.  Answering the question: (why do we need to learn things if we are not going to use them in life?)

Genres chosen: comic (more drama, easier to follow, short), solo podcast (doesn’t require a lot of effort to obtain information, can do something else without occupying. React to key information)

Rhetorical decisions: I tried to persuade my audiences by giving them examples of my friends who attended college and ones who did not attend to college.

One example is my high school math teacher (graduated in Columbia University with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering but chose to become a teacher)

Explain to audiences that even if they graduated from Columbia University, they are still working in a job that going to a cheap college can achieve. (She got her teaching program in CUNY Queens college).